It’s BugGirl! She has all the powers of a bug, or something.
There’s only one more day left to go in Thing-A-Day 2013. I’ve made a thing for every day thus far. Let’s hope I don’t choke tomorrow.
It’s BugGirl! She has all the powers of a bug, or something.
There’s only one more day left to go in Thing-A-Day 2013. I’ve made a thing for every day thus far. Let’s hope I don’t choke tomorrow.
The power just went out for a couple of seconds, so I’ve whipped up this doodle of a monster quickly, because if the power went out again, I probably wouldn’t able to get a thing up for today.
Just keep putting 2 sc crochet in every st until you have a weird wavy crocheted ball, or you go nuts, whichever comes first.
I didn’t really want to do any doodles for Thing-A-Day, because I do a doodle every day at doodleperdiem.laurelgreen.com, but I couldn’t think up anything else to do, so, here we go, today’s thing is a doodle.
I’m not sure why I like drawing octopuses so much?
I made yet another bracelet. This one has green beads.
I’m not really sure that these metallic doodads count as beads, but I’m using them to make bracelets anyway.