- Shorty Dewbubble King of the Eastern Field Mice
- Grathport Shamberdert Champion of the Acorn Knights
- Ariana Finepebble Princess Elect of the Amphibious Pipsqueaks
- Nathan of the Fairpetals
- Chodesworth Cobblespurt the Butt-Gnome
- Ivy Wallcrawler the Wall-Gnome
- Seline the Crawlspace Dweller
- Peter Dinklage
- Thumbhigh Johnson
- George the Pea
- Lily the Orifice Spelunker
- Teeny Tina
- Jane Caterpillar Rider
- Beans McMinuscule
- Mighty Mite
- Pinky Who Lives in My Teapot
- Jenny the Slight
- Pocket Weasel
- Smallie Bigs
Thing-A-Day 2014 Day 24: Pixies Doodle
Oh sure, they look nice enough, but everybody knows that pixies are really evil on the inside.
Thing-A-Day 2014 Day 22: Elf Guy Doodle
One of these days, I’ll have time to do a piece of jewelry or something. One of these days.