Thing-A-Day 2014 Day 10: Pizza Box into Clover BoxAuthor: Laurel Green Date: February 10th, 2014 Time: 9:26 PM Category: Thing-A-Day 2014 Tags: cardboard, papercraft, recycling Comments: 0Clover BoxIt’s a bit hard to see in this photo, but the cardboard really does form a clover shape in the middle there.TwitterTumblrRedditPinterestFacebookNavigation:First Post in 2014: Names You Can Call My DogPrevious Post in 2014: Thing-A-Day 2014 Day 9: Grocery Bag Pom PomReturn to: 2014Next Post in 2014: Thing-A-Day 2014 Day 11: Happy Toilet Paper RollLast Post in 2014: Twitter Timewarp Tuesday - Paint Your Wagon